Alternative Names for the October Moon or Hunter's Moon

Every full moon has a number of nicknames associated with different months of the year.  However, certain moon names, like the Harvest and Hunter's Moons, are connected to particular seasons.

The Harvest Moon is the full moon that occurs closest to the September equinox, also called the autumnal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.  

This year, the equinox is on September 22 or 23. So, most Harvest Moons occur around September, & most Hunter Moons occur around October.

However, the Harvest Moon appears in early October every 3 or 4 years, while Hunter's Moon appears in early November every 3 or 4 years.

Alternative Hunter’s Moon Names -

The names of the Moon are frequently associated with natural seasonal signals or activities done at this time of year.  Some of them are as follows:

Drying Rice Moon - Drying Rice Moon, a Dakota name, refers to a part of the post-harvest process of preparing rice for winter.

Falling Leaves Moon - Falling Leaves Moon is an anishinaabe term that describes the shift from summer to fall.

Freezing Moon (Ojibwe) & Ice Moon (Haida) - The terms Freezing Moon (Ojibwe) and Ice Moon (Haida) relate to the period's increasingly chilly temperatures.

Migrating Moon (Cree) - The Migrating Moon (Cree) is the time when birds begin to migrate south to warmer areas.