How to View Perseids meteor showers 2023

The Perseids meteor shower, one of the most well-known annual meteor showers, occurs in August.

Perseids meteor shower peak 2023 This year's spectacle is likely to be spectacular, as the peak night - August 12th and into the 13th - falls near the new moon.

Constellation - Perseids meteor showers originate from the constellation Cassiopeia.

The radiant, which is where meteors appear to come from in the sky, is located in the northeast, appearing between the bright star Capella and the upside-down "W" of the constellation Cassiopeia.

Seeing the Perseids is simple –  just find a safe, dark place to lie down, with your feet pointed roughly toward the northeast, and look straight up.

Best time to see Perseids - Because the radiant rises higher in the sky between midnight and morning, this is the greatest time to see Perseids. The hour before dawn is likely to see the most meteor activity.

Even though the crescent moon rises just before dawn, it is only around 7% illuminated, and so it shouldn't significantly interfere with seeing the meteors.

During the week prior to and following the peak, you might also see a few meteors in the early morning hours.

The meteors are bits of dust, most of which are no bigger than sand grains, which come from the comet Swift-Tuttle.    Every year, around this time, Earth passes through the comet's debris trail, causing the yearly meteors shower.