Lyrids Meteor Shower 2023: Fast & Bright Meteors

The Lyrids meteor showers, one of the oldest known meteor showers, are famous for their fast and bright meteors. It will peak on the night of April 22–23 in 2023.

Active:  15 April – 29 April 2023 Lyrids Peak:  21 April – 23 April 2023

Lyrids often leave luminous dust trails behind them because they streak through the Earth's atmosphere. These trains can be seen for several seconds.

The Lyrids are actually best seen at a distance from their radiant since they will appear longer and more spectacular from this perspective.

The meteors will appear short if you look directly at the radiant; this is an effect of perspective known as foreshortening.

Though not as fast or as plentiful as the well-known Perseids in August, Lyrids can astonish skywatchers with as many as 100 meteors seen per hour.

Oldest Recorded Meteor Shower - The Lyrids meteor shower, named after the "constellation Lyra", is one of the oldest known meteor showers.

Oldest Recorded Meteor Shower - The Lyrids have been observed for 2,700 years, according to some historical texts.

Oldest Recorded Meteor Shower - The first recorded sighting of the Lyrid meteor shower dates back to 687 BC by the Chinese.

Oldest Recorded Meteor Shower - Sightings of these heavier showers occurred in 1803 (Virginia), 1922 (Greece), 1945 (Japan), and 1982 (U.S.).

Comet of Origin - C/1861 G1 Thatcher Comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher is the source of the space debris that interacts with our atmosphere to create the Lyrids. Thatcher was discovered on April 5, 1861, by A. E. Thatcher.

Comet of Origin - C/1861 G1 Thatcher The meteor shower's fireballs are created by debris from comet Thatcher, which takes about 415 years to orbit around the Sun. In 2276, the comet is expected to once again be visible from Earth.

The Radiant - Constellation Lyra Their radiant is the constellation Lyra or Harp. It is the point in the sky from which the Lyrids appear to come. Lyrids, the name of the shower, is derived from the constellation Lyra.

The Radiant - Constellation Lyra Lyrids appear to particularly radiate out from the brightest star "Vega". Vega, one of the brightest stars in the night sky, is visible even in excessively light-polluted areas.

The Radiant - Constellation Lyra The name of a meteor shower is merely offered to help spectators determine which meteor shower they are viewing on a given night. The constellation is not the source of the meteors.

Peak Activity Meteor Count -  About 18 meteors per hour Meteor Velocity -  29 mps (47 km/s)

Every year, the Lyrid Meteor Shower is usually active from April 16 to April 25. It often reaches its peak on April 22 or 23, which is late April. During its peak, 10–20 Lyrid meteors can be seen every hour.