What's Up for November 2022, Watch the sky!  Sky to be interesting with Leonid meteor showers, a Lunar Eclipse, a Full Red Moon, and New Moon

In November 2022, see how the Moon goes all red, plus see Leonid meteor showers also!

Throughout November, the Leonid meteor shower is active, will reaching its peak between midnight and dawn on November 18.

This year's Leonids will battle against the moonlight, but on November 8 anyone with a view of the Moon in the morning can enjoy a lunar eclipse.

The shower's name comes from the constellation Leo, the lion, from which its meteors appear to radiate.

Quick Look for November 2022


November 8, 2022 Full moon & Total lunar eclipse in the hours before sunrise

On November 8th, early in the morning, there will be a total lunar eclipse, which will add a touch of celestial magic.

Anywhere the Moon is above the horizon while the eclipse is occurring, the viewers will be able to see it, including North America, the Pacific area, Australia, and Eastern Asia.

You'll probably notice that there are a lot more faint stars visible during a lunar eclipse since the usually brilliant full moon dims to a dull red.

November 11, 2022 In the early morning hours of November 11th, you’ll see the Moon directly between Mars and the bright bluish-white star Elnath in the west before sunrise.

Elnath, which is the second brightest star in the constellation Taurus after reddish Aldebaran, forms the northern horn of the bull.

The brightness of Elna is almost the same as that of the star Bellatrix in nearby Orion.

November 18, 2022 After midnight, look straight overhead for Leonid meteors. On the peak night for the Leonids this year, the Moon is about 35% full and will diminish the fainter meteors.

In other words, it is difficult to detect the fainter meteors because the 35% full moon will interfere with your ability to see the fainter meteors. 

However, Leonid meteors are often bright, with trails (also called trains) that persist for a couple of seconds after they streak across the sky. 

While the Moon will rise in the east with Leo at midnight local time, it is actually better to view the sky away from the meteors' apparent point of origin, by lying back and looking straight upward. 

Any meteor trails you see will appear longer, more impressive, and more stunning, as a result.

November 20, 2022   In the hour before sunrise, look at the slim, crescent Moon right above the bright bluish star Spica in the southeast.

The bright bluish star Spica is a giant star, 10 times the mass of our Sun, and 12,000 times more luminous, It is located 260 light years away.

November 23, 2022 New moon November 28, 2022 In the evening sky on November 28th, look at a beautiful crescent Moon hanging beneath Saturn in the southwest after sunset.