NASA Parker Solar Probe Mission Facts

Solar Parker Probe is the first man-made object to reach near the Sun. This is the first time in human history that a vehicle has entered the Sun's atmosphere.

Parker Solar Probe is a NASA space probe that was launched on 12 August 2018 with the mission to observe the outer corona of the Sun.

Scientists want to know that when the surface temperature of the Sun is about 6,000 degrees Celsius, then how is the temperature of 'Corona' about 2 million degrees Celsius.

Parker Solar Probe will complete 24 orbits around the Sun during its seven-year lifetime and fly seven times closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft.

At closest approach, Parker Solar Probe revolves around the Sun at about 700,000 km per hour (4,30,000 mph).

The Parker Solar Probe mission was launched in 2018 by a Delta-IV rocket from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

On 15 December 2021, Parker Solar Probe entered the uppermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere 'Corona', where the temperature is about 20 lakh degrees Celsius.

The sources of the solar wind and the structure and dynamics of the magnetic field are being investigated through the Parker Solar Probe mission.

The Parker Solar Probe mission will also study the reasons for the high temperature of its corona from the surface of the Sun.

Four payloads sent with Parker Solar Probe test the Sun's magnetic field, plasma and energy particles to produce 3-D images of them.

The purpose of the Solar Parker Probe mission is to study different aspects of the Sun-Earth system. The length of this probe is 1 m, height is 2.5 m and width is 3 m.

Parker Solar Probe has a 4.5-inch-thick carbon composite shield that protects it from the extreme heat of the Sun. Its shield is made from fiber and graphite (solid carbon).

What is the Sun corona? The outer part of the Sun's chromosphere is called the corona. The corona of the Sun extends for millions of kilometers in space.

The corona of the Sun can be easily seen during a solar eclipse. During a total solar eclipse, this corona appears white in colour.

Parker Solar Probe was previously named Solar Probe Plus, which was changed in 2017 to Parker Solar Probe after astronomer Dujin Parker.