What is Wordle Game  How to Play

Wordle is a new online game that tests your vocabulary.  This is a daily word game or free website game, which you can play on your mobile browser, laptop and desktop. No information is required to play it.

Wordle has gained popularity in recent times and has become a routine for millions of people around the world.  Wordle game rules are very simple. You only have to guess the five letter word.

Wordle game was created and developed by Welsh software engineer Josh Wardle. The New York Times Company now owns the game.  There aren't any official apps for this game, although you'll find many imitation apps that look like it.

This game is quite simple to play. Every day a new word is assigned and players have to guess the word in six attempts. Every 24 hours a word is updated on Wordle for people around the world, after which the word is guessed.

In Wordle, you have to start searching for words yourself. To start playing it, first one has to guess an English word of 5 letters. In this, there is no hint or help option like a normal word game. Only 6 chances are given to win this word game.

How to play Wordle Go to nytimes.com/games/wordle/index.html

You have 6 attempts to guess the word of the day. Type in five letter words and submit them by pressing the 'Enter' key on the Wordle keyboard.

The game has a 5X6 grid. Players are required to guess the word by entering characters in a maze box.  The letters entered by the players are highlighted in different colors for each attempt.

If a box turns green, it means that the letter is part of the word of the day and is in the correct place. If the box turns yellow, it means the letter is part of Wordle but not in the correct place in Wordle. If a letter is not part of a word, the box will turn gray.

When you guess the correct word, you can even share it on your social media channels When shared it only shows the entire journey with a series of gray, yellow and green boxes, not the correct word.

Plus, all the other players are playing the same puzzle, which makes it a great way to start a conversation, or even claim your achievements on your social media handles.

You can only play one riddle per day, which means you only have one shot at guessing the correct word on a particular day. The goal of the game is to guess a five-letter word (can be any word).

Wordle for August 23 was "WOVEN". Wordle for August 24 is "NEEDY" Wordle is an adjective today. The Wordle answer today has one vowel repeated twice successively. It starts with a consonant and ends with a consonant.

This word is used to describe someone who lacks the necessities of life or is very poor. It can also be used to refer to a person in need of emotional support or an insecure person.