Human Heart beats

A human heart beats about 1,15,000 times each day, pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood every day.

Heart rate

The heart rate usually decreases when we are sleeping, which varies between 40 to 60 bpm–beats per minute.

Size of Heart

The average size of an adult heart is the size of our two hands clasped together and a child’s heart is about the size of a fist.

Largest Heart

In the entire animal kingdom, whales are the mammal with the largest heart weighing about 180 tonnes and about 30 m its length.

Heart Cancer

Heart cancer is very rare compared to other cancer because the heart cells stop dividing in its early age.

Heart Attack

According to the records, the symptoms of cardiac diseases and heart attack varies between men and women. The reason behind these may be the risk factors.

Risk of heart disease

By maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of heart disease by one-third.