Buttermilk Health Benefits in Summer-
Buttermilk (Chaach or Mattha) is much better for health than it is delicious to drink. In the olden times, buttermilk was also called ‘cheap medicine for the poor’, because in earlier times when cows were reared in almost every household, there was no shortage of pure milk and things made from it. Since then till date people like to consume buttermilk after meals. It is delicious, light to digest, gives strength and cures diseases… and that is why in Ayurveda it is said to be similar to Amrit.
Describing the importance of buttermilk in Ayurveda, it has been said that- “A person who consumes buttermilk never gets sick, and diseases that end with buttermilk do not arise again”. It is also said at one place in Ayurveda that, “Just as there is Amrit for the gods in heaven, so there is buttermilk for human beings on earth”. Buttermilk is one of the best Satvik food.
Uses of Buttermilk- Buttermilk can be drunk like this, or by adding only rock or black salt to it, or drinking it by adding mint, carom seeds, cumin, asafoetida, mustard seeds, black pepper, curry leaves etc. Which is very tasty and healthy. Drinking buttermilk in this way cures stomach problems.
Different ‘Raitas’ are prepared from buttermilk. ‘Kadhi’ is made from buttermilk and delicious ‘Lassi’ is also prepared. It is very good to have buttermilk with food. Apart from these, buttermilk is also used for skin and hair.
Benefits of drinking buttermilk
According to scientific opinion, buttermilk also contains lactic acid, vitamin-C, protein and iron. It helps in boosting immunity, adds glow to the skin. Buttermilk is very useful to remove stomach problems. It cleans the intestines, purifies the blood, helps in digestion of food and works to remove the accumulated dirt and toxins inside the body.
More beneficial than curd- Buttermilk removes Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When curd is made from milk, its properties increase a lot and then when buttermilk is made from curd, it becomes even more beneficial. Buttermilk is lighter to digest than milk and curd, as well as removes stomach problems and gives strength, vigor and freshness to the body. For the weak, buttermilk has been considered as a sanjeevani.
Cleansing of the intestines- Famous biologists of the world say that the lactative element present in buttermilk eliminates the harmful germs growing in the intestines. Buttermilk helps in flushing out toxins from the body and boosts immunity. If the intestines remain healthy, the stomach remains clean, then the chances of any kind of disease in such a body are very less.
Buttermilk increases beneficial bacteria in the intestines and prevents intestinal decay. Buttermilk helps in removing the greasy, dirt or undigested food from the intestines, and makes the intestines active again… And this is the reason why it is also advised to drink buttermilk to overcome the problems of dysentery, constipation and diarrhea.
Uric acid starts forming in the body due to excessive consumption of food grains, pulses etc. The accumulation of this acid in the body can cause many diseases. When this acid starts accumulating in the nerves and intestines, it causes problems like premature graying of hair, wrinkles on the skin.
When this acid starts collecting in the joints, then pain starts in them too. The lactic acid present in buttermilk helps in flushing out this uric acid from the body. In this way, buttermilk works to clean the intestines and blood… and that is why it is said that drinking buttermilk delays old age. Mixing rock or black salt in buttermilk and drinking it also kills stomach worms.
Buttermilk in summer- Buttermilk is consumed in summer. By drinking this, the harmful effects of strong sunlight and heat can be avoided. Drinking this gives relief from many major problems in summer like indigestion, constipation, loss of appetite, heat, gas, indigestion, diarrhea, piles, hair fall, wrinkles etc. and the mind remains happy. Constipation, gas, indigestion, indigestion etc. do not occur by drinking buttermilk. Buttermilk is also beneficial for the eyes.
• Buttermilk is considered very useful in removing problems related to heart, asthma, blood pressure, arthritis, jaundice etc.
• Mixing asafetida, cumin and rock salt in buttermilk and drinking it provides relief in piles, diarrhea, dysentery, weak digestive power and pelvic pain.
• The problem of obesity is also removed by drinking rock salt mixed with fresh and thin buttermilk daily.
• Washing the skin with buttermilk removes the blackness of the skin, eliminates wrinkles and makes the skin glow.
• Drinking buttermilk in summer removes the lack of water in the body (but do not overdo anything good, that is, drink buttermilk only in proper quantity).
Precautions in consumption of buttermilk
• Buttermilk made by removing cream and butter is considered very good. Masala Chaach is even more beneficial.
• Buttermilk is good to be consumed in summer and during day time only. Buttermilk should not be consumed at night.
• Only fresh buttermilk should be consumed. Buttermilk should not be consumed during the rainy season.
• Buttermilk should not be consumed on an empty stomach. It is good to consume it in between meals or after meals.
• Those who have any wound, or swelling, or those who are very weak from the body, they should consume buttermilk during that time only with the advice of a doctor or knowledgeable.
Note- Consume every good thing only in proper quantity.
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Tags : buttermilk health benefits in summer, buttermilk in hindi, benefit of buttermilk, buttermilk nutrition, buttermilk health benefit, lassi, health tips, mattha, chaach peene ke fayde, chach pine ke fayde, buttermilk ke fayde, mattha peene ke fayde
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