Types of Cancer Treatment Techniques or Modalities – People are saddened when they hear the name cancer, but let us tell you that now cancer is not incurable. Medical science has now discovered its treatment, just needs to start treatment on time. If cancer is detected at an early stage, it can be cured.
Read Also: Cancer Diagnosing & Screening: How to detect cancer early stage?
There are various techniques or modalities of cancer treatment worldwide, which depend on treatment sites and advanced staging of cancer. These treatment modalities can be used to treat the patient alone or in combinations also. The names are the following –
- Surgery,
- Chemotherapy,
- Radiation Therapy,
- Targeted Therapy,
- Immunotherapy,
- Stem Cell or Bone Marrow Transplant,
- Hormone Therapy,
- Photodynamic Therapy,
♦ Surgery:
It is one of the oldest modalities to remove cancer. In this operational procedure, Surgeons (Specialists for that particular field) remove the tumor by cutting along with nearby tissues (if required) from the body. This modality works mainly for small and solid tumors. It comes under local treatment means treatment of a specific part of the body.
♦ Chemotherapy:
It is basically a drugs treatment, that uses powerful chemicals to treat the cancerous cells in the whole body. This modality works when the cancer cells spread in the body from their primary origin, as the drugs also travel throughout the body.
♦ Radiation Therapy:
This therapy uses radiation to kill or shrink the tumour. Radiation therapy mostly uses X-rays, and other particles such as alpha particles, protons, neutrons, electrons. Mostly, radiation is delivered to cancer patients from outside through specific machines. However, there are some treatment techniques available (named brachytherapy), in which radiation is placed inside the body. This treatment comes under local treatment.
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♦ Targeted Therapy:
It is one kind of cancer treatment, which can be used for any stage of cancer. In this treatment modality, drugs, medicines and other substances are used to destroy the cancer cells directly. This therapy can be given to the patients either as a tablet orally or in vein as injections or infusions. This therapy is available in Bangalore, India.
♦ Immunotherapy:
It is a type of cancer treatment that helps the body’s immune system to fight cancer cells (using drugs). This system helps to fight infections and other diseases. This therapy can be given to the patients through intravenous (directly in the vein), oral (in the form of pills or capsules), topical (in the form of cream for skin), and intravesical. This is also called biological therapy. This therapy is available in Chennai, India.
♦ Bone Marrow Transplant:
It is a medical treatment, in which the bone marrow is replaced with healthy tissues. This bone marrow transplant is also called stem cell transplant or hematopoietic stem cell transplant. The replacement cells can be taken from the donor. This modality is used to treat many kinds of cancers, such as leukemia, myeloma, lymphoma and other blood diseases.
♦ Hormone Therapy:
It is also called hormonal therapy, hormone treatment or endocrine therapy. There are certain cancers that depend on hormones to grow. This therapy removes, blocks or adds specific hormones to the body. It is mostly used to treat breast and prostate cancers. It is given to the patients by oral medications or injections.
♦ Photodynamic Therapy:
Photodynamic therapy (also called PDT) uses a drug, which is activated by light, called a photosensitizer or photosensitizing agent to kill the cancer cells. The light may come from LASER or LED (specific wavelength). It comes under local treatment and the mostly treated sites by PDT are skin, eyes, lungs, bladder, pancreas, esophagus and head & neck. It is available in Chennai, India.
Read Also: Cancer & its Statistics
Fighting Cancer is Our Goal. Early detection saves lives.
Tags: cancer treatment techniques, advances in cancer treatment, cancer treatments, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, progress in cancer treatment, radiation therapy, stem cell transplant, surgery, target therapy, types of cancer treatments, types of cancer treatments, cancer, cancer awareness, advanced cancer diagnosis, advanced cancer treatment, after cancer, cancer causes, cancer cells
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