How to Stop Hair Fall Naturally-
My Experience- If I tell about myself, Touch Wood, I do not face any problem of hair fall and acne and pimples. My hair is thick, dark and beautiful. While I have never used expensive shampoos, conditioners, serums, hair masks, henna, honey or baking soda on my hair… nor have I ever gone to a beauty parlor to take care of my hair or enhance its beauty (except to get a haircut).
I normally massage my hair with coconut oil (sometimes I also use mustard or olive oil), shampoo my hair three to four hours after applying the oil, daily homemade I take simple food like lentils, roti, vegetables, fruits, salads, curd and buttermilk etc. (I am a pure vegetarian). I travel a lot, so the weather and water for my hair keep changing.
Yes, once I was suffering from a very severe viral fever, then as soon as I recovered my hair started falling very fast, it seemed as if I would go bald in no time. .. and then I came to know for the first time what is hair fall. Then I tried every remedy on my hair, but to no avail. Then as I kept getting better, taking the right food, the right amount of water, then not only did my hair fall stop, but new hair also started growing.
Now if I talk about taking care of my hair, then I shampoo my hair once or twice a week. One or two hours before shampooing, I mix coconut oil with lemon juice (Coconut Oil+Lemon), warm it lightly and massage the scalp with light hands… I don’t rub my wet hair too much with a towel. . Then I first detangle the hair lightly with my fingers and then comb them.
Along with this, I eat gooseberry a lot. During winters when gooseberries come in abundance, then I keep eating them raw or boiled. So my good hair can have only three secrets – coconut oil + lemon juice massage, amla and proper vegetarian diet.
How to take care of hair-
What is the main reason for hair problems?
According to Ayurveda, about 90 percent of diseases are caused by the stomach itself. Hair loss and their premature graying are also included in this. If your stomach is clean, your blood is clean, then you cannot have problems related to hair and skin. Actually, when our intestines are not clean, dirt gets in our blood, then our blood becomes heavy or thick.
Due to this, the blood does not reach the top part of our body i.e. the head properly. There is an effect on the blood circulation. So due to this our head does not get the necessary nutrients, due to which many problems related to the head start to arise.
That is, the problem of hair loss mainly depends not on our scalp, but on our stomach. If our stomach is fine then our hair, eyes, nose, teeth etc. will also be fine. Therefore, before giving different types of food to your hair, give the right kind of diet to your body.
The main reasons for our stomach and blood getting dirty are- outside or packaged food, eating more fried or late-digesting things, taking less juice or fluid, drinking less water, non-vegetarian, smoking, taking alcohol, exercise Or not walking, lack of protein etc. All these things stick to the walls of our intestines and rot and also make the blood dirty.
Apart from this, not taking sunlight in the early morning, living in the midst of pollution, keeping the hair dirty, having dandruff in the hair, not massaging the hair from time to time, eating a lot or not fasting at all, weakness, Stress, low immunity power and genetic problems are also included in the main reasons for hair related problems.
(It is difficult to count how many benefits the morning sunlight gives to our whole body. That is why all successful or great people definitely advise to wake up early in the morning and do Surya Namaskar. Morning sunlight is very important for almost every living being on earth).
How to take special care of hair
Now let’s talk about what to do for the special care of hair ie scalp. First of all, never use chemical shampoos or oils or serums for hair at all. The more natural nutrition you give to the hair, the better your hair will remain in every age. You can make a natural shampoo for hair at home-
Natural herbal shampoo for hair-
Method to make natural shampoo- Take equal quantity of amla, shikakai, reetha and linseed seeds. Grind all these separately. Then take water in a large steel vessel and boil well by adding amla, shikakai and reetha powder in this pan. You have to keep the solution thick enough that it can be easily applied to the hair like a shampoo.
Then when the water is boiling, then add the powder of linseed seeds in it and… then add some more water and boil it. When it boils well, take it off the gas. Then filter it in a hot state with a clean cloth or sieve. Then fill it in a glass bottle and keep it. You can easily use it for two-three months by keeping it in the fridge. Before use, take it out of the fridge and keep it like this for a while. Shampoo your hair with this once a week.
Natural herbal oil for hair-
Natural oil for hair- It is very important to massage the hair from time to time or at least once a week. This increases blood circulation, as well as provides proper nutrition to the hair. Gently massage once a week with whatever natural oil suits you for your hair and then shampoo after one to three hours.
• Coconut oil with Lemon for hair- Massaging the hair by mixing lemon juice in coconut oil cleans it well of dandruff, dirt etc., as well as it is good for all types of hair oily or dry.
• Coconut oil with Aloe vera for hair- Coconut oil mixed with Aloe vera for hair is also good. You can also buy it from the market or make it at home.
Method- Take out the pulp from the leaves of aloe vera and prepare its juice by stirring it well in a mixer.
In another vessel, take the same amount or more coconut oil as aloe vera juice. Then put an iron or steel pan on the gas, pour coconut oil and heat it. Then add aloe vera juice to it and keep stirring it continuously for some time (about 10 to 15 minutes).
Then keep it in a separate vessel to cool down.. and after it cools down completely, filter it and fill it in a vial. Coconut oil mixed with aloe vera is ready. Massage the hair well with this oil with light hands and then shampoo after about one to two hours. It is good for hair. You keep this oil in the fridge and before use, take it out of the fridge and apply it to the hair after lukewarm or melted.
Hair care advice
• Avoid using styling products. Use less or limited amount of chemical products in your hair like strong shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, hair colors etc. Try using herbal shampoo or natural oil.
• Always use chemical free shampoo. For this you should check your products. Do not use shampoo containing parabens and sulfates at all. Paraben-sulfate free shampoos retain the natural shine of the hair.
• Paraben and sulfate are used to make many shampoos and beauty products such as creams, lotions and cleansers etc. But nowadays people avoid using oils and shampoos that contain parabens or sulfates.
• According to many experts, paraben not only has a bad effect on the scalp and hair, but it can increase the risk of breast cancer. It is also very bad for the skin.
Sulfate can remove dust and oil from the hair, but according to many research, it also causes weakening of hair and causes breakage and thinning. This kills the hair follicles, due to which new hair does not grow. (Use lemon juice to remove excess oil and dust from hair).
• Reduce the use of hair dryer, hair straightening machine etc. in the hair. These things cause great damage to the hair. If you take care of hair in a natural way, take right and sattvic diet, then you will see that you will not need all these machines to enhance the beauty of your hair.
• While walking in the hot afternoon sun, cover your hair with a light colored or white colored cloth.
• If there are problems like fungus in the scalp, take the advice of the right expert. This problem can also be relieved by applying a paste of curry leaves and shampooing after 30 to 45 minutes.
• Do not rub the hair tightly with a towel after washing.
• Do not let dirt, sweat and dandruff collect in your hair. That is, cleaning the hair is very important. But avoid washing hair daily. Whether the shampoo is herbal or any other, shampoo should not be used more than twice a week.
• Avoid washing hair with hot water. Warm water should be used for washing hair in winter and plain water in summer.
• It is good to massage the scalp with lukewarm coconut oil.
• Be very careful while combing wet hair.
• Take proper sattvik food. Keep the stomach clean.
• You can sometimes use curd, natural henna, multani mitti etc. in your hair according to the need. But even these things should not be used every day.
Note- The information given in this article is based on Ayurvedic books, expert advice and own experience.
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Tags : How to stop hair fall immediately home remedies, how to stop hair fall naturally, What to eat to stop hair fall immediately, Diet and hair loss in females, What causes hair loss, Best hair loss treatment for female, best shampoo for hair fall, how to control hair fall, hair fall control, hair fall shampoo, hair fall control oil, hair fall solution, hair fall reason, hair dandruff solution at home
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