Application of Linear Programming Problem (LPP):
Some important application of Linear Programming Problem (LPP) in our day-to-day life are as follows:
1. Personnel Assignment Problem:
If ‘m’ people have to complete ‘n’ numbers of tasks, where the predicted productivity of ith person on jth task is cij, each person must be assigned to a task in such a way that overall productivity is optimum, whether it be minimum cost, minimum time consumed, or maximum profit.
2. Transportation Problem:
Suppose that there are ‘m’ factories (sources) supply ‘n’ warehouses (destinations) with a certain product. LP helps in minimizing the cost of transport between source and delivery point.
3. Proficiency in Operation of Dam System:
In this problem, we determine variations in water storage of dams that generate power so as to maximize the energy obtained from the entire system.
4. Optimum Estimation of Executive Compensation:
The goal here is to create a consistent employee pay plan that takes into account wage, job rating, etc.
5. Agricultural Applications:
Linear programming can be applied in agricultural planning for allocating limited resources such as acreage, labour, water, supply and working capital, etc. in order to maximise net revenue.
6. Military Applications:
These applications involve the problem of selecting an air weapon system against gorillas so as to keep them pinned down and simultaneously minimize the amount of aviation gasoline used.
7. Production Management:
Linear programming can be applied in production management for determining product mix, product smoothing, and assembly time-balancing.
8. Marketing Management:
Linear programming helps in analysing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and time based on the available advertising media.
9. Manpower Management:
Linear programming allows the personnel manager to analyse personnel policy.
10. Physical Distribution:
Linear programming is used to determine the most economical, cost-effective and efficient way to locate industrial plants, warehouses and distribution centres for physical distribution.
Click here to read more about LPP
(Source – Various books from the college library)
Tags: application of linear programming, applications of lpp, application of linear programming in agriculture, applications of linear programming in operation research, application of linear programming problem, areas of application of linear programming, application of linear programming in mathematics, application of linear programming in various fields, application of linear programming in business, application of linear programming in profit maximization, how is linear programming applicable in real world?
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