Mint leaves benefits for health- Mint or Pudina is a perennial and aromatic herb, used as an aromatic spice in food and beverages. Mint is used to enhance the taste and aroma in chutneys, vegetables, buttermilk etc. Along with enhancing the taste of food, it is also very beneficial for health. It is called ‘Sanjeevani Booti’ of summer and rain.
Mint is considered like a herb that protects against almost all diseases. It increases interest and improves the taste of the mouth. It completely cures many problems related to stomach. In summer, mint should be consumed in some form or the other. Like basil, mint leaves are also very beautiful to look at. Such a combination of taste, beauty, aroma and benefits is found in very few plants.
Mint plant… Grow mint at home
Mint is mainly a mountain variety plant. It is grown in most countries. In India, it can be easily seen even in the gardens or pots of people’s homes. Well drained soil is more favorable for mint plants. The color of its twigs is red. Its leaves are small and round like basil leaves.
Mint can be sown at any time, yet the rainy season is considered the best for sowing it and it flourishes well in summer. Mint plants have a different scent. It is said that where the mint plant is planted, diseases do not come around there and Vata and cold diseases run away from there. The surrounding environment remains good.
To use fresh mint, mint should be grown at home like basil, yet if green-fresh mint is not available, then its leaves can also be kept dry and can be used anytime when needed.
Mint properties and uses
Many properties of mint are similar to oregano. Mint removes many problems related to the stomach. It removes the accumulated phlegm easily. Vitamin-A is found in good quantity in mint, so its consumption increases immunity, as well as it increases digestive juices.
Along with Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C, Thymol, Energy, Carbohydrate, Protein, Niacin, Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium and Calcium are also found in Mint. In Ayurveda, mint is considered delicious, light to digest, removes vomiting and dyspepsia, removes phlegm, heals wounds, improves taste in the mouth and pleases the mind.
Consumption of mint is said to be beneficial in cough, cholera, indigestion, skin diseases, respiratory diseases, cold, blood pressure etc. In the form of medicine, mint is used to relieve stomach gas and dyspepsia, to cure diarrhea, dysentery, fever, stomach diseases, liver etc., relieve pain and gout etc. Drinking mint syrup prevents heatstroke.
Delicious mint syrup for summer (Pudina ka sharbat)-
Grind fresh mint leaves and mix it in water. Add roasted cumin, black salt, black pepper and lemon juice and sieve it. Delicious mint syrup will be ready. Drinking this syrup in summer removes the discomfort caused by heat, improves the taste of the mouth, as well as provides relief in stomach gas, indigestion, bloating, indigestion etc.
Benefits of mint and its use in different problems-
(1) Mint benefits for Stomach-
• Mix roasted cumin in mint leaves and grind it, then put it in water and sieve it. Add a little rock salt to this water. Drinking it ends the discomfort caused by heat stroke.
• Mixing mint leaves in fresh buttermilk and drinking it cures stomach irritation and indigestion. It is also very tasty.
• Grind mint leaves with raw mango and mix it with a little rock salt and drink it, it ends burning sensation in the stomach.
• Pudina chutney- Make a chutney by mixing black pepper, rock salt, asafoetida, black grape and cumin in fresh mint leaves and mix lemon juice in it. Eating this chutney improves the taste of the mouth, increases interest, removes gas from the stomach and improves digestion power.
• Drinking a decoction of mint, basil, black pepper and ginger etc. removes the problem of gas and increases appetite. That is, the consumption of mint is considered very good for physically weak people.
• Eating fresh mint juice mixed with honey ends intestinal problems and stomach problems. Fresh mint juice is considered very beneficial for people who have any complaints related to the intestines.
• Drinking fresh mint juice provides relief in cough, vomiting, diarrhoea (diarrhoea) and cholera, as well as ends stomach gas and worms.
• Stomach worms are eliminated by drinking mint juice or chewing its leaves.
• Drinking ginger juice and rock salt mixed with mint juice provides relief in stomachache.
• In the summer season, if the food has become too much, due to which there is a problem of indigestion, then grind mint leaves and mix it in water. Mixing a little black salt in it, filtering it and drinking it gives quick relief. You can also add a little lemon juice to it.
• Chewing mint leaves with dry grapes ends indigestion.
• Nausea stops by drinking mint juice. Consumption of mint juice provides relief in cough, vomiting, diarrhea etc., stomach gas and worms are eliminated.
• Mint chutney gives relief in many diseases related to stomach.
• Mint removes stomach problems, so it can also be helpful in reducing extra fat.
(2) Mint benefits for cold and cough
• The fresh juice or extract of mint is beneficial in cold and cough etc.
• Licking mint juice mixed with ginger juice and a little honey provides relief in cough.
• Drinking mint juice mixed with warm water provides relief in cough, cold, phlegm and respiratory diseases.
• Drinking mint tea provides relief in cough, cold and headache.
• Drinking a decoction of mint and basil ends fever. Mint removes fever by removing sweat from the body.
• Drinking the juice or decoction of mint and ginger ends the fever in winter. Along with this, it is also beneficial in gas and cold.
(3) Mint benefits for skin and mouth
• Applying mint juice on herpes is beneficial.
• On the bite of a poisonous insect, applying mint juice on that place provides relief.
• Mixing a little lemon juice and rose water in the juice of fresh mint leaves and applying it on the face ends pimples and brings fairness to the face.
• Chewing mint leaves is also considered good for teeth and gums. Chewing mint leaves removes bad breath and makes the gums healthy.
• Mouth ulcers are removed by the consumption of mint juice.
(4) For other problems-
• Grinding mint leaves and applying it on the soles ends the burning sensation in the soles.
• Drinking a little lemon juice mixed with mint juice ends liver problems.
• By sucking or chewing mint leaves, hiccups are removed. Mint leaves mixed with lemon juice are also chewed.
• Taking a pinch of sugar mixed with mint and basil juice gives relief in typhoid.
• The oil extracted from mint seeds is a disinfectant. Mosquitoes run away from the aroma of this oil.
Note- Consume every good thing only in proper quantity.
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Tags : pudina benefits, mint chutney recipe, mint benefits for health, mint benefits for face skin, Mint leaves benefits, mint leaves for acidity, peppermint health benefits, mint leaves benefits for weight loss
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