Basic Terminology used in Network Analysis – Network analysis is the general name given to certain specific techniques which can be used for the planning, management and control of projects. A fundamental method in both PERT and CPM is the use of network systems as a means of graphically depicting the current problems or proposed projects in a network diagram.
A network diagram is the first thing to sketch an arrow diagram that shows inter-dependencies and the precedence relationship among activities of the project. Before illustrating the network representation of a project, let us define some basic definitions: Network, Project, Project Management Process, Activity, Event etc.
♦ Network:
It is a graphical representation of logical and sequentially connected activities and events of a project. The network is also called an arrow diagram. PERT (Programme Evolution Review Technique) and (Critical Path Method) are the two most widely applied techniques.
In other words, Network analysis is the certain specific techniques that can be used for the planning, management and control of projects. Projects are divided into individual tasks or activities that are organized in a logical order. It is also decided which tasks will be completed simultaneously and which will be completed sequentially.
♦ Project:
A project is defined as a combination of interrelated activities which must be executed in a certain order in for its completion.
A Project such as setting up of a new plant, research and development in an organization, development of a new product, marketing of a product etc. is a combination of interrelated activities (tasks) which must be executed in a certain order before the entire task can be completed.
♦ Project Management Process:
Network analysis is the general name given to certain specific techniques which can be used for the planning, management and control of projects.
♦ Activity:
Any individual operation, which utilizes resources and has a beginning and an end, is called an activity. It is represented by an arrow to depict an activity with its head indicating the direction of progress in the project. The activities are interrelated in a logical sequence in such a way that the same activities can not start until some others are completed. An activity in a project is usually viewed as a job requiring resources for its completion. It is of four types:
- Predecessor activity
- Successor activity
- Concurrent activity
- Dummy activity
♦ Event:
The beginning and endpoints of an activity are called events or nodes or connectors. This is usually represented by a circle in a network. The events can be further classified into three categories:
- Merge Event
- Burst Event
- Merge & Burst Event
(Source – Various books of college library)
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