Sunlight Benefits For Health and Skin, Sun Bath and Sun gazing

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Sunlight benefits for Health

Sunlight Benefits for Health- In India, we all read biographies of great personalities or powerful people, One thing is definitely seen in all of them that All great, powerful or successful people used to wake up before sunrise. Why so? Because they all knew very well the importance of the Sun and the early morning hours for health or life or time… and that is why they did not miss that most important time at all.

Be it science or religion, the importance of the Sun on Earth has always been the highest, because without the Sun, life on Earth cannot be imagined. Sun is the storehouse of health and power. The Sun is the source of all the energy of the Earth. Everything on earth, the weather and the trees and plants, is due to the sun.

That is why in the religious texts of India, so much importance has been given to the worship of Sun and Surya Namaskar. This store of boundless energy affects the health and life of all kinds of living beings on earth. Today we will know the ways to take health benefits from this sun-

Sunlight benefits for Health
(How important is Sunlight for us)?

(1) Sunlight is Antiseptic

♦ Whenever any food item or grain etc. starts getting spoiled in our house, or fungus or insects start getting in them, then we keep them all in the sun, so that all those things get cured. Even from time to time we need to keep our clothes and machines in the sun.

♦ That is, sunlight is needed not only by living beings, but even by non-living things. Sunlight is antiseptic, that is, it has the ability to kill germs or bacteria or viruses. In earlier times, sunlight was used to heal wounds during war in India.

Sunlight is natural medicine. Wherever sunlight falls, diseases end there. The body becomes strong and the mind becomes sharp. The same prayer is also offered in Gayatri Mantra that “O Lord Sun, wake up our sleeping mind”.

♦ Sunlight not only cures physical but also our mental ailments. In the Vedas also, the sun’s rays are of great importance in the treatment of diseases. It is said in a mantra of Atharvaveda that the rising sun destroys many types of diseases. It is said in Rigveda that Sun can cure any disease.

♦ The atmosphere is more positive in the houses where there are trees giving oxygen and sufficient sunlight comes from the windows.

nature plants sunlight, benefits of sunlight

(2) Sun can cure so many diseases

These problems or diseases can be relieved by the early morning sun rays-
Any kind of pain or stiffness in the body like headache, ear pain, knee and hip pain etc.
Anemia, blood loss, skin diseases, weak mind, weak bones, fever, jaundice, various stomach diseases, constipation, ulcers, vata, kapha or problems related to lungs, spinal cord etc.

♦ Actually, the root of most diseases is the dirt accumulated in the body or stomach or skin or blood. Wherever dirt accumulates, some disease also starts growing there. Due to sunlight, this dirt accumulated inside starts leaving its place and comes out with urine… and the body which is clean from inside, there is no disease in it.

♦ The best thing is that sun rays are absolutely free, for which nothing has to be spent. It is available to everyone and is also the most powerful. Along with this, there is no adulteration in sunlight like food, water and air.

(Sunlight, fresh water and clean air work to remove the accumulated dirt inside our body, which does not cause any disease in the body. All these are free, that’s why these three things are called ‘Zero Cost Treatment’ or ‘ It is also called ‘drugless treatment method’).

(3) Sun is Electricity for us

♦ The Sun acts as an electricity or light for all the living beings on the earth. This electricity charges us and gives power. As we go on taking this light, the darkness of our mind also goes away. Negativity starts ending from inside us and positivity starts increasing.

♦ The person who is in maximum contact with the rising sun remains more healthy and happy. His brain power and working capacity increases.

♦ People who do not allow sunlight to enter their house, or do not stay in the morning sunlight, they mostly remain ill and live in stress or depression. Many things start deteriorating in their body. Their ability to learn, think, and work also starts decreasing. Lack of sunlight greatly reduces concentration.

♦ Sunlight is the biggest source of Vitamin-D. For vitamin D, not capsules or pills, but sunlight should be taken, because sunlight is not such energy, which can be ingested in a capsule.

♦ Nowadays people go to the gym to build their fitness, where they have to take the dirty breath left by others. Whereas if instead of going to the gym, exercising in sunlight every morning, or doing Surya Namaskar or walking or sitting in the morning sunlight for at least half an hour every day, then health and fitness is better.

सूर्य नमस्कार, Surya Namaskar, benefits of sunlight morning
Surya Namaskar

(4) Sun Color Therapy

♦ Our body is made up of many colors and balance should be maintained in these colors. According to Ayurveda, like pitta, vata and kapha, different types of diseases develop due to the increase or decrease of colors in the body. The original source of all colors is the Sun, which keeps spreading all its colors everywhere.

♦ There are 7 colors in the sunlight, which purifies the air and destroys many types of germs on the atmosphere, water and earth. All this happens naturally.

♦ Water, oil or glycerin etc. kept in sunlight for several hours become more beneficial, using which many diseases can be treated. Massaging with oil kept in sunlight for several hours provides many benefits to the skin and bones.

♦ There are seven colors in the Sun- Violet, Blue, Sky, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. On mixing these seven colors white color is obtained. That is why if possible, white clothes should be worn in front of the rising sun, so that maximum benefit of the sun can be obtained.

• How to get energy or benefits from the sun?

(1) Sun bath-
Your whole body should be exposed to sunlight every morning for about 30 minutes. Sunlight should be shown for 15 minutes on the front side and 15 minutes on the back side. In such a situation, try to wear light colored clothes or according to the season.

Sunlight Benefits for Body While taking sun bath, definitely show sunlight to your stomach. Due to this, digestion power is strengthened, intestinal power increases and stomach related problems start getting cured. Along with this, keeping that part in the sunlight, the part where there is joint pain, that pain keeps on going.

Keep in mind- Sun bath should be done only in the morning i.e. when there is no strong heat in the sunlight, because as the rays of the sun become brighter, its benefits also start decreasing…more Instead of advantages, it becomes harmful.

Tanning is caused by strong sunlight, but tanning ends with morning light.
There is no use of taking sunlight from inside the glass.
If you are not able to take sun bath in the morning, then it can be done in the evening also. However, morning time is better, as the air is also clear at this time.

If there is excessive sun or heat on the head while taking a sun bath, then cover the head with a white colored cloth, but do not use anything like sunscreen at all. Sunscreen can cause cancer.

sun bath, benefits of morning sunlight for skin, evening sunlight benefits, early morning sunlight benefits

Benefits of sun bath-
Just as bathing with water cleans our external dirt, similarly taking sun-bath in this way every day cleanses the dirt inside our body.
The bad germs or bacteria inside our body get eliminated or out by taking sun bath.
Our blood circulation increases, due to which the dirt in the blood also comes out. This increases the glow in the skin.
The our skin pores are opened, from which the dirt comes out. Due to this skin diseases start ending.
The life comes back to the bones, due to which the bones become strong and there is relief in joint pain.

(2) Sun gazing-
We should look at the sun for about 10-15 minutes every day, like we watch TV. Due to this, the sun energy goes to our brain through our eyes. Sunlight acts as power for our brain. Sungazing is done before sun bath. You can also blink your eyelids in between while sungazing.

Keep in mind- The right time to see the sun with direct eyes is only sunrise, that is, when the sun is rising at all, that is, when the sun is not visible, only its light or orange color is visible, which can be easily seen. At that time there is absolutely no heat in the sunlight.

Glasses or contact lenses should not be used while sungazing.

If you are not able to do this early in the morning, then you can do it in the evening as well, but only when it is completely easy to see the sun.

Benefits of Sun gazing- Our brain needs a lot of sunlight. Sunlight increases the strength of the mind, concentration increases greatly, the ability to learn, think and understand increases, problems like headache and stress or depression end on their own and eyesight increases.

Caution- People who are undergoing any kind of treatment for their eyes, or those who have cataract, or who have had any operation on their eyes, please do Sungazing only with the advice of a doctor or right expert.

Sun gazing

Note- Brahma Muhurta starts about 96 minutes before sunrise and ends 48 minutes before, so one should get up 50 minutes before sunrise. On waking up at this time, such hormones are produced from the pituitary gland, which increases enthusiasm, energy and vigor.

Note- Wake up in the morning and drink lukewarm water. Drink as much water as you can easily drink. Due to this, digestion power and blood circulation increases, the dirt of the body comes out and the body gets cleaned from inside.

Note- The information given in this article is based on Ayurveda, Naturopathy books and own experience.

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Tags : Surya Namaskar, Sunlight benefits for Health, benefits of sunlight, morning sunlight benefits, benefits of morning sunlight for skin, evening sunlight benefits, early morning sunlight benefits, benefits of taking sunlight, health benefits of sunlight, sunlight vitamin d

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