White Salt, Rock Salt and Black Salt Difference, Benefits and Side Effects

white salt rock salt black salt, black salt benefits, pink salt benefits, rock salt benefits, सफेद नमक सेंधा नमक काला नमक
White Salt, Rock Salt and Black Salt Difference, Benefits and Side Effects

White Salt, Rock Salt and Black Salt-

The spice that is definitely used while cooking is salt. Salt is also called ‘Ramras’ in the holy city of Ayodhya in India. All spices are useless without salt in the food. If there is the right amount of salt in the food, then the food becomes perfect, if the quantity is less then it can be poured from above, but if the quantity is more then there is a big problem. Like food, it is very important to maintain the right amount of salt in our body, otherwise many types of health problems can occur.

Salt in Low Blood Pressure and High Blood Pressure

Salt in Blood Pressure: If some people do not get to eat salty food for a day, then they feel very weak. His blood pressure becomes low. People who have the problem of low blood pressure, they should eat salad or any vegetable juice mixed with salt. Such people should eat salty food. At the same time, people who have the problem of high blood pressure, they should take a bath by mixing salt in water (sea bath), and eat less salt or not eat it.
Use only rock salt or black salt

One thing is also important here that one should always try to use only rock salt or black salt in food. In Ayurveda too, both these salts are said to be good for health. White common salt should be eaten at least. We all know that there are many types of salt, such as white salt or common salt, rock salt, black salt, sambhar salt and bean salt. Among these, rock salt and black salt are most beneficial, but white or sea salt should be eaten at least.

White Salt Side Effects for Health-

According to Indian strong speaker Rajiv Dixit, “Iodized white salt sold in the market is very harmful for health. It is like poison for the body and its excessive consumption can also lead to impotence. There is no need to eat iodized white salt for the supply of iodine in the body. Iodine deficiency in the body is fulfilled by eating pulses, green leafy vegetables and vegetables or tubers growing under the ground. Mostly rock salt or black salt or white crystal salt should be used in food”.

Difference between Rock salt and White salt-

According to well-known Ayurveda Dr. Abrar Multani also, iodine is already present naturally in rock or pink salt, there is no need to add it from above. Whereas in ordinary or white salt, iodine is put from above, due to which it is more harmful than beneficial. Rock salt and black salt are completely natural and are not tampered with much, as well as they contain many mineral elements that give benefits to the body, so they are better for health.

How is salt made in India?

To make Regular salt or white common salt or sea salt, salt water from the sea is stored in agar beds, where this water is dried by the heat of the sun and the salt remains. Then it is cleaned by machines and sold.

Rock salt is extracted from mines. It is also called ‘Lahori salt’, because it is found in the form of rocks in the Himalayan regions around the river Indus. The meaning of rock salt is – ‘salt that came from Sindh or Indus’. The areas where rock salt is found more, those areas now come more in Pakistan.

Natural black salt comes from rocks. These rocks are mainly found in India, Pakistan. Sambhar salt is obtained from the Sambhar lake located in Rajasthan. About 80 percent of the state’s total production of salt is prepared here. This salt is too salty.
Benefits of rock salt and black salt

Rock salt benefits for Health-

Rock salt is also known as pink salt, Himalayan salt, Lahori salt, Sendha namak or halide sodium chloride. Rock salt is of great importance in Ayurveda. People who have problems related to heart and kidney, they should use rock or black salt instead of ordinary white salt in the food.

You must also see that it is advisable to add rock or black salt to any beneficial food item or things used as medicine. During fasting, some people eat only rock salt to fulfill the salt. Rock salt is mild to digest and removes all the Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha).

By using rock salt in food-
There is relief in the problem of constipation, gas,
Increases immunity,
Physical weakness is removed,
Helps to control weight
There is no complaint of skin diseases (while the use of white common salt increases skin diseases),
Insomnia goes away,
Helps in the treatment of sinus.

Mixing rock salt with mustard oil and massaging the teeth and gums with light hands daily ends pyorrhoea, as well as makes the gums healthy and the odour of the mouth goes away.

Gargling with salt water kills the bacteria in the mouth and removes bad breath.

Salt uses and benefits-

Salt is germicidal or bacteria killer. Salt water eliminates toxic and harmful bacteria from the skin and opens the pores.

Putting your feet in lukewarm or little hot water mixed with white salt ends the swelling in the feet or toes and gives relief in the pain of the toes.

Salt reduces inflammation and helps in reducing the effect of any poison. That is why when there is a lot of swelling due to the bite of a poisonous insect, then applying hot water mixed with salt at that place provides quick relief.

If there is a problem of tonsils in the throat, or if there is swelling in the throat, then gargling with lukewarm rock salt or some warm water provides relief, as well as opens the voice.

If there is swelling in the gums, then gargling with lukewarm water of rock salt provides relief.

If there has been an internal injury to the head or any other organ due to a fall or any other reason, or if there is a possibility of fracture in any part, so as a first aid, applying a paste of turmeric powder and white salt mixed with water at that place provides relief.

Drinking half a teaspoon of rock salt in a glass of water causes vomiting (if there is a need to vomit and there is no vomiting, then this remedy is done).

Drinking half a teaspoon of rock salt in a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning for two-three days kills the worms of the stomach and does not form new worms (worms in the stomach are mostly formed due to the problem of constipation, therefore one should try to avoid constipation).

Almost all types of insects or animals like to stay away from salt. For example, in places where leeches are found a lot, people live by filling their shoes or bed with common salt.

By wiping the floor with water mixed with white salt, all the bacteria on the floor are destroyed. According to some people, wiping with water mixed with salt also removes negative energy.

By pouring white salt on red ants, they run away.

Salt side effects and precautions-

According to Ayurveda, ‘Use of any kind of salt in proper quantity and use of white salt in small quantity is good for health. Any kind of salt used in excessive quantity is like poison’.

Do not use any kind of salt with milk at all.

People who keep using white salt in the form of vegetable, raita, chutney, pickle etc. on a daily basis, later they get many health problems.

Excessive use of white common salt leads to the problem of high blood pressure.

Excessive use of white salt leads to problems like skin diseases, blood loss, urinary diseases, joint pain, headache.

Old age also comes sooner due to excessive use of white salt, while quitting the use of white salt gives relief in diseases like asthma and cough.

People who have any kind of skin disease, itching or leprosy etc., they should stop using white salt. Even in fever, only rock or black salt should be used in food.

Read Also : Salt (Namak) in Hindi

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1 Comment

  1. As per studies in the US, the trace minerals present in pink salt are too minute to make it better than normal sea salt. So it appears that praise of rocksalt is not based on any factual evidence.

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