Characteristics of a Good Sample:
A good sample should be representative of the population we want to study, with each item having an equal chance of being randomly chosen for the study. A good sample has the following characteristics:
1. A sample should have a clear goal.
It is a tool that should be perfectly suited to the survey conditions and oriented to the research objectives.
2. A good sample should be an accurate representation of the entire universe or population.
It should include the majority (if not all) of the universe’s characteristics. In other words, all of the population’s basic characteristics should be present in a good sample.
Read Also: Population, Sample and Sampling in Statistics
3. A good sample is free from bias.
Bias may occur in the sample selection for reasons like convenience, substitution, errors in the adoption of the sampling method and failure to cover the whole of the chosen sample.
4. A sample should be chosen randomly.
This means that every item of the population has an equal and likely chance of being chosen and included in the sample. As a result, the chosen sample is truly representative in character.
5. The adequacy of a sample is essential.
Adequacy means that the sample size must be sufficient to yield reasonable conclusions about the population from the sample drawn.
Read Also: Principles of Sampling or Laws of Sampling in Statistics
6. A sample should be proportional.
The sample size should be large enough to properly represent the population, that is, it should be large enough to ensure statistical stability or reliability. The sample size should provide the required accuracy for the purpose of the study.
7. The sample must allow for the measurement of sampling error.
Actually, the representativeness of the sample and the validity of the conclusions are heavily influenced by these errors. Even when proper sampling is used, a sample may not be exactly representative of the population due to sampling errors. So, the researcher must be able to estimate the effects of these errors and declare the percentage of accuracy of his survey results to the readers.
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8. A sample should be cost-effective or economical.
The survey’s objectives should be met at the minimum cost and effort.
9. A sample design should be practical and usable.
The sample design should be simple enough to be understood and, followed in the fieldwork.
10. Sample results should be applicable to all items in the population.
Finally, with a reasonable level of confidence, the results of a good sample should be applicable to all items in the universe. There is no point in conducting a research study unless the sample has this characteristic.
In summary, a good sample should be truly representative of the character of the population. It should be chosen randomly and should be proportional. In fact, these are the attributes or properties of a good sample.
(Source – Various books from the college library)
- Tags: What is the most important characteristics of a sample? What is a sample characteristic? What is a primary requirement of a good sample? What is a good sampling? characteristics of good sample design with examples, characteristics of sampling, characteristics of a sample in statistics
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