Essentials of Sampling –
We know that the study of a sample is called sampling, and the items included in a population (or universe) are called sampling units. If the sample results are to have any worthwhile meaning, it is necessary that a sample possesses the following essentials –
(1) Representativeness
A sample should be so selected that it truly represents the universe (or population) otherwise the results obtained may be misleading. To ensure representativeness the random method of selection should be used.
Read Also – Characteristics of a Good Sample in Statistics
(2) Adequacy
The size of the sample should be adequate, otherwise, it may not represent the characteristics of the universe.
(3) Independence
All items of the sample should be selected independently of one another and all items of the universe should have the same chance of being selected in the sample. By independence of selection, we mean that the selection of a particular item in one draw has an influence on the probabilities of selection in any other draw.
Read Also: Population, Sample, and Sampling in Statistics
(4) Homogeneity
When we talk of homogeneity we mean that there is no basic difference in the nature of units of the universe and that of the sample. If two samples from the same universe are taken, they should give more or less the same unit.
Read Also: Principles of Sampling or Laws of Sampling in Statistics
(Source – Various books from the college library)
- Tags: essentials of good sampling, essential of the good sample, essentials of a good sample, define sampling discuss the essentials of a good sampling, discuss the essentials of a good sample, the essential concept of sampling, What is the most important characteristics of a sample? What are the Essentials of Sampling? What is a sample characteristic? What is a primary requirement of a good sample? What is a good sampling? characteristics of good sample design with examples, characteristics of sampling, characteristics of a sample in statistics,
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