In this article, we read about diabetes symptoms, patient and treatment.
Diabetes has become a big problem. In the last few years, the number of diabetes patients is increasing rapidly all over the world. The main reasons for this are- poor diet, eating more outside things than at home, ignoring healthy food, irregular lifestyle, not doing yoga-exercise-walking, stress, adulteration in food items and pollution etc. Today we are going to tell you some important things related to diabetes, which can help you a lot in understanding and avoiding diabetes.
Why does Diabetes occur
Diabetes is mainly a disease related to digestion, that is, if the food is not digested properly, due to which the amount of sugar in the blood has increased, then its side effects start appearing in the person. Poor diet, irregular lifestyle, stress and lack of physical exertion are the main reasons for this disease. The kidney, liver and heart all become weak due to diabetes.
As soon as the initial symptoms of this disease are seen, the correct test of sugar in the blood should be done because this disease develops slowly in the body and this disease is not clearly detected before reaching the serious stage, so as soon as you have your If the symptoms of this disease are felt in the body, then only get tested and start abstinence.
Basically, if your blood sugar level is between 80 to 120, it means that you are healthy. If the sugar level is between 120 to 140, then it is the initial stage of sugar, that is, you should start abstaining now…. and if it is more than 140 then it means that you have sugar.
(The test results are also based on an empty and full stomach).
Diabetes symptoms-
тАв Frequent urination problems
тАв Frequent thirst
тАв Constant hunger
тАв loss of vision
тАв Irritability, weakness
тАв Headache and fatigue
тАв Sudden weight loss
тАв Any delayed healing of wounds
тАв Frequent allergies
If there is no diabetes, then how to avoid it even further?
(How to prevent Diabetes)
тАв Here first we tell you that if you do not have diabetes, then how can it be avoided even further, because it is said about diabetes that “the best treatment is the absence of diabetes“.
тАв There is a saying in Ayurveda about diabetes that “the things you had eaten more than you needed for taste, later you have to crave for those things“
тАв There is another saying that “If your mind is in control you can never get diabetes“.
тАв There is another saying that “Rasgulla should be eaten by those who work hard.”
The meaning of these proverbs is that to avoid diabetes, the most important thing is to eat right. Eating right means keeping the quantity of everything balanced in your food. Like if you like anything very much, then do not keep eating it on every occasion. Similarly, if you do not like something beneficial, then do not ignore it at all.
Along with this, stay away from obesity, keep doing physical exercise according to your ability, do yoga, exercise, do Surya Namaskar and reduce stress, and laugh and laugh. Laughing is one such exercise that removes mental stress by increasing the immunity of the body.
What to do if the sugar level in the blood is high?
(How to prevent Diabetes)
Diet – Diabetes patients should eat foods that contain very little sugar, strengthen the body from within, boost immunity, do not cause phlegm, and are easily digestible. As soon as diabetes is detected, first stop eating potatoes, rice, sugar, jaggery, sweets, sweet fruits, tea-coffee, non-vegetarian and fried foods, and avoid things that increase phlegm. Diabetes patients should not take sugarcane juice.
Along with this, include barley, gram, wheat, flour bran, sprouted pulses, green vegetables and buttermilk in your daily diet. However, eat less tur dal. Make sure to use fenugreek seeds and turmeric in your food. Amla and Tulsi are also very beneficial in this disease. Diabetic patients should avoid things containing tea, coffee or alcohol. These things reduce the immunity of the body.
What can be used to treat sugar?
Diabetic patients have to depend on medicines or insulin, but the effects of the drugs are only visible for a few days. As people age, allopathic medicines work less in this disease, but they cause a slew of other issues. Perhaps this is why the most effective treatment for this disease is considered ‘prevention,’ because once diabetes is diagnosed, it cannot be eradicated from the root, but its dangers and effects can be eliminated with the right information and a healthy lifestyle. Certainly, the disease can be controlled.
Diabetic patients must consume Jamun, Shilajit, and Bitter Gourd (Karela) Juice to control their blood sugar levels. However, when consuming bitter gourd juice, it is important to ensure that the bitter gourd is fresh and not dyed. Because dyed bitter gourds are becoming more common on the market.
Water for sugar patients
A lack of water in the body causes a variety of problems such as headaches, mouth ulcers, constipation etc. Water helps in flushing out the dirt from the body. Just as shedding water rapidly removes dirt from any location, drinking more or the right amount of water removes dirt from our bodies… which is why fresh water is considered natural medicine. Water keeps many things in the body at the proper levels.
Our body is made up of about 70% water, that is, there should be no less than this amount of water in the body. One should drink earthen pot water in summer, boiled water in the rain and lukewarm water in winter. Drinking water kept in a clean copper vessel in the morning is beneficial. Sugar can be controlled by drinking water in the right amount and in the right way every day.
Diabetic patients must walk daily in the morning and evening. There is a saying that “If you go fast, diabetes will be left behind“. This is said because diabetes is a disease related to digestion and if your digestion is correct, then this disease can be controlled. By walking in clean air for 20 minutes daily, the sugar level can be reduced by 30%. At the same time, living in a constantly polluted environment increases the risk of type-2 diabetes by about 45%.
Jamun and Shilajit for Sugar
Jamun and Shilajit are very effective in treating sugar. Jamun is not only beneficial in sugar, but also in many diseases related to the stomach. Jamun not only controls blood sugar levels but can also remove stomach and liver problems. Jamun also removes the complaint of anaemia. It is also beneficial for the gums. Jamun seeds can control the sugar level in the blood. Fenugreek is also very beneficial for diabetic patients.
One more thing that before doing any treatment of any disease with your mind or just by reading on the internet, do not forget to take the advice of the doctor or the right expert, because it is not necessary that Whatever is beneficial for everyone, may also be beneficial for you.
Read Also: All health tips
- Tags: diabetes symptoms, patient and treatment, How can I reduce my blood sugar? What home remedies can I use to get rid of diabetes? what are diabetes symptoms, patient and treatment
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