Yoga History and Development : The tradition of yoga has been there since the time there is civilization. Yoga originated from India. Yoga had started from the Vedic sages of India. Traces of yogis and ascetics can still be seen everywhere in the forests, mountains and caves of the Indian subcontinent. Just need to find that golden history of India.
Yoga is a spiritual process and ancient art, through which efforts are made to bring the body, mind and soul together. The word yoga means ‘to join’. By continuously practicing yoga in the right way, the powers within oneself can be greatly increased, as well as the biggest achievements of the world can be found. In Yoga Vidya, Lord Shiva is ‘Adi Yogi’ and ‘Adi Guru’.
Yoga in Ancient Time India-
The first description of yoga is found in the Vedas, which are considered to be the oldest literature. In Vedic times, yoga was practiced to increase concentration power and to overcome worldly difficulties. Yagya and yoga had a lot of importance in this period. And due to this, the whole environment along with the body and mind of the people remained pure at that time. In the ashrams, along with the education of celibacy and the Vedas, the education of yoga and weapons was also given.
Along with the Vedas, there is a lot to know about yoga in the Ramayana, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and Mahabharata. The famous dialogue ‘Yoga Yagyavalkya’, described in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, mentions a variety of breathing exercises, postures for cleansing the body and meditation between the sage Yajnavalkya and the great natural philosopher, Gargi. In the Chandogya Upanishad also, Gargi talks about yoga asanas.
Gyan yoga, bhakti yoga, karma yoga and raj yoga are discussed in the Bhagavad Gita. Lord Krishna himself describes Bhaktiyoga, Karmayoga and gyan yoga while telling Arjuna the importance of yoga.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali- Patanjali, a sage of ancient India, great physician and the founder of ‘Charak Sanhita’, presented the yoga science scattered in the Vedas for the first time in a holistic form. His greatest work, the Yogasutras (The Original Text of Yoga Darshan), is a collection of about 195 sutras written in Sanskrit.
Yoga in India and World
The Yoga Sutras were almost forgotten in modern times. Then during this period gurus like Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharishi etc. contributed to the development and popularization of yoga all over the world. Swami Vivekananda introduced yoga to the whole world by mentioning yoga in his historic speech at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago.
International Yoga Day-
On 11 December 2014, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, proposed to celebrate 21 June as International Yoga Day in the United Nations General Assembly, which 175 countries supported without any voting. June 21 is considered to be the longest day of the year and yoga also increases age, so this day was chosen to celebrate Yoga Day. Recognizing the importance of yoga, the UN recognized that, “Yoga is a holistic approach towards human health and well-being.”
Yoga in the world today
Yoga is a priceless gift given by India to the world. Many tourists visiting the country every year focus on learning and practicing yoga. It also showed the popularity of the ancient Indian practice of yoga across the world. Currently, there are more than 300 million practitioners of Yoga in the world. About 50 percent of the doctors are of Indian origin. Today yoga is popular in different countries like Spain, America, Portugal, Indonesia, Morocco, UK, Costa Rica, Italy etc.
Yoga in present India-
Due to the benefits of yoga, today yoga is famous even in foreign countries. Today yoga is being given attention in many states of India. At the forefront of this is the state of Uttarakhand, whose holy city Rishikesh is also known as ‘Yoga Nagri’. However, there has been a lot of difference between the yogasanas of ancient times and the present yogasanas.
In the present time people practice yoga to get satisfaction, physical and mental health in the midst of their busy lifestyle. Yoga gives strength to the mind and body. Today, for those who are troubled by obesity or increasing weight, daily yoga practice is very beneficial.
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